If you were recently arrested for DUI / Drunk Driving do not wait until after you arraignment to hire a lawyer. Arraignment is a critical stage of your case. If the court finds probable cause at your arraignment to exert jurisdiction over you while your case is pending, it may impose pre-trial conditions of release on you that are expensive, embarrassing and onerous. Examples of these conditions of release may include weekly ingestion of antabuse, random urinalysis and breath testing. Of course, these requirements come with monetary costs. Not to mention, said conditions can cause disruptions in your daily activities including work. Having a criminal defense attorney with you at your arraignment is key. A skilled DWI attorney can raise legal challenges to these prospective and potential release conditions. An attorney can also advise the court of factors why these conditions of release are unnecessary and should not be imposed. If you are unable to retain an attorney prior to your arraignment, you should at the very least talk to one.
Matthew R. Hoff, Attorney at Law is a criminal defense law firm located in the Shumay neighborhood of Vancouver, Washington. 2901 Main St. 360-693-6228. Minutes from the Clark County Courthouse. Also servicing Camas/Washougal Municipal Court; Battleground Municipal Court and Cowlitz County. I am located just off Fourth Plain Boulevard with easy access from I5 North & South. I have over 10 years of experience representing clients on a wide variety of criminal matters ranging from DUI, Domestic Violence (DV) misdemeanor assault charges to drug possession cases and Class A felonies.