In a domestic violence case, you may find yourself facing a “no contact” order from the court. This type of order prohibits the defendant from contacting or coming near the alleged victim. The most important thing to remember is that violating such an order can have serious consequences. Even if the protected person wishes to contact you or invites contact, violating the order is a crime that can lead to an arrest and a contempt of court charge.
No contact orders also have the power to evict or remove the defendant from a shared residence, regardless of whose name is on the lease or deed. It can temporarily grant custody of children to the uncharged parent as well as assign support. By requesting a “civil standby,” you may have the opportunity to enter your home for a short period with a law enforcement escort to retrieve any personal belongings.
If you are faced with a domestic violence charge and a “no contact order,” it is crucial to have experienced and dedicated legal counsel. Criminal Defense attorney Matthew Hoff can discuss your legal options and ensure that your individual rights have been upheld. Call (360) 693-6228 to speak with a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer…